What Make Us Special

Additions added to base cracked game makes our Clients More Special!

Windows 10 Compatible

Our Products Work flawless in all Windows Realeases Tested by over hundered Players. Unkike other Similar Projects.


We Have Strong Cheat Detection including larg Range of many types of Hacks. Unkike other Similar Projects.


All of Our Games Clients are Equipped by Project-Side Player Game Screenshot Capture for Security Insure.However it could be captured only by Admins.

Speciall SERVERS

We Always do our best to Keep Servers Stablished on High Speed and Low Ping.No Matter what it takes!


Some of Numbers Grabbed from Our Database API. Our API can be used by Developers. See Developer Wiki

416 Total Players
14 Players Online
7 Servers Count
4 Players Banned

ULTRAMOD WEB SERVERSLIST Fully Coded in PHP is Unique one thats 100% Codded by Our Developer.

Did You Know?

Around 50% of Game Patches Made by Ourselves.However Some Other Parts such as Screenshot System + Serverlist + etc are stood in 100%

Did You Know?

ULTRAMOD MW3 Based on TeknoGods Beta Source code; However Too much Changes Applied.

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